Today has seen 2.61 miles walked while climbing 52.82 feet and a huge amount of administration done.

I had a much better sleep last night so was feeling good and with no upper body to do this morning after a quick 1.06 mile walk on the harbour loop climbing 39.37 feet and a quick breakfast and morning prayer and organ practice I was straight into the list of jobs to do. I managed to confirm our accommodation for the dinner night next week. I managed to write the covering letter and get the cheque from St Mary’s Dalmahoy and the additional cash donations (£530) sent to the bank for the challenge account. I sent a copy to the accountants and then wrote my thank you letter to the church. I emailed the charities to let them know that they each had an additional Christmas present of £212 coming in and then asked them to be a little bit more forward in trying to raise awareness of the challenge. Then I did some more work on finding an affordable venue for the wedding that has availability at some point before 2018 before then heading back into town to collect my dry cleaning and post the letters to the bank and church. It was now quite late so we opted for the walk back option and strode out down Leith Walk, onto Great Junction Street and stopped short of Allie’s flat to catch the bus for the final run in after 1.55 miles walked while climbing just 13.45 feet. The most exciting bit of the day and the bit that took the most time was writing to the BBC! My cousin Nick had provided a point of contact whom he had met the week earlier and was possibly looking for a story. It was suggested that I write to her so write I did. It took a long time to get the wording right but after several drafts, I hope to have something that will attract some interest to help me raise awareness further. Having been through several other rounds of attempting to garner some support from the media which fell flat, I am not too hopeful that anything will come of it but if you don’t ask, you don’t get and, if God was willing you never know what might happen. All that effort though has highlighted a further and significant improvement. When I was going through treatment, if I sat at the computer for longer than 20 minutes I would come over very dizzy and feel faint. Over time, since treatment finished in October last year, my ability to sustain working in front of a computer has increased significantly. It doubled and then tripled. Today, I sat in front of the computer, made phone calls and managed a flow of information for two hours straight. I felt a little dizzy on stopping for lunch but nothing like before. This is an exciting development and a significant improvement on my cognitive ability.
