I apologise for my lack of posts over the last couple of months but, in response to a number of requests, I am back and ready to tell you all about it. Month 22 and 23 of the challenge is up there as one of the most challenging couple of months that I have ever had to face. It has seen the most enormous highs and the most extraordinary lows. It has seen wonderful opportunities to assist those in need but has also seen a return to some disturbing seizure activity with dark connotations and perhaps even a slight slip towards the deep dark river of despair. But through it all I remained tied to my anchors of the 5Fs of Food, Physical Training, Family and Friends, Faith and Focus and have managed to stay out of that deep dark river of despair that was lapping at my ankles.

So by eating better and moving more I have kept my head above water in the darkest of times during a time that should have been the brightest of times. So in the last month or so I have:

  • Walked 118.25 miles, ascending 3,322.49 feet,
  • Run 25.29 miles ascending 977.58 feet,
  • Done a couple of weighted marches over 14.76 miles ascending 553.14 feet, while carrying 20lbs,
  • Swam 2.7 miles,
  • canoed 10 miles,
  • cycled 15.14 miles ascending 880.71 feet
  • while cross training across 7.37 miles in the gym
  • doing 16 over arm pull-ups,
  • 300 press-ups,
  • 800 sit-ups
  • and moving 3kgs over 1,200 metres or 3,600 kgs over 1 metre
  • …while also getting married!

Whilst on honeymoon, also testing Allie’s commitment to her vow to love and cherish me in sickness and in health, while having electrical storms sweep through my brain which triggered clusters of seizures, while advising Mum, a man I met on a bus, a friend of a friend of Mum’s, and of course my children while narrowly avoiding becoming what was possibly one of the first casualties of Brexit. I will tell the story of the last two months over a series of posts, the first of which will follow soon.

Yours aye
