Sponsor Me With A Standing Order Or A Single Payment

Please sponsor me by completing a standing order found either through your own personal internet banking, or by completing this simple Standing Order form that you can print out. Complete the unshaded boxes of the standing order and post it to your bank at the address found in your cheque book, or give it in to your local branch of your bank to set up a standing order for the account reference: “Beat The Beast Challenge”.

There are also details below if you wish to make a single donation, either by bank transfer or by cheque.

Who Does My Sponsorship Help?

By undertaking this challenge I am inviting you to sponsor me to provide encouragement while also challenging me to find the cognitive and physical capability to complete as much golf practicing, organ practicing, juggling practicing, acting training, book writing, and leading by example by exercising and eating in accordance with my balanced daily lifestyle, as I can in order to :

1. Train the Brain in order to:

  • a. Knock any hint of a decline into a cognitive and motor function vegetable into touch.
  • b. Smash any hint of a further decline towards a form of dementia right out of the park.
  • c. Get the brain’s cognitive function discipline, endurance and stamina back and strong enough in order to be able to get back to work, and sustain that return to work, day after day, week after week for the rest of my productive life.

2. Encourage as many as I can, through my own example, to use my balanced daily lifestyle and follow it as closely as they can in order to improve their chances of preventing disease from ever happening, and if it strikes, improve their treatment outcomes by reinforcing the marvels of modern medicine.

So please join me on my own personal journey and encourage me to do as much golf practicing, organ practicing, juggling practicing, acting training, book writing, and leading by example by exercising and eating in accordance with my balanced daily lifestyle each and every day to ‘Beat the Beast’ of neurological dysfunction, while helping to improve the lives and life chances of so many more people through your sponsorship for the Disasters Emergency Committee.

The Beat the Beast Challenge is self-funding through my own contribution while keeping costs to a minimum with voluntary support and corporate sponsorship in kind. Therefore I give you my cast iron guarantee that the entirety of every single penny donated will go directly to the Disasters Emergency Committee. You can read about the Disasters Emergency Committee and the life-saving and life building work that they do on my charity page

Your sponsorship helps to improve the lives and life chances of the millions of people saved by the Disasters Emergency Committee at times of disaster and whose lives are rebuilt with the support of the Disasters Emergency Committee after the disaster. Your sponsorship also gives me tremendous encouragement to find the will and the energy to get that mattress off my back and to stop hiding. To, instead, get up, get out there, face the world and take on activity designed to help me Beat the Beast of Neurological Dysfunction.

Setting Up A Standing Order

Please download and print out the simple standing order form. Complete the unshaded boxes of the form and hand in to your local branch of your bank, or send it to your bank at the address found in your cheque book. You can also fill out a blank standing order form found in your local branch of your bank and hand it in to the teller using the following details:

Payee: Beat the Beast Challenge.

Sort Code: 83-24-18

Account Number: 15978839

Royal Bank of Scotland
Edinburgh Leith Branch
2 Bernard Street

Remembering that I will complete at least 20 days of Brain training activity each month, suggested but not exclusive sponsorship options, are as follows:

£1.00 per day = £20.00 per month.
£0.50p per day = £10.00 per month.
£0.25p per day = £5.00 per month.
£0.05p per day = £1.00 per month.

It is entirely up to you how much you would like to and are able to sponsor me for so do please give as much or as little as you can. Every penny will be very gratefully received.

Thank you for having enough faith in me to sponsor me,

Yours aye


Creating A One Off Donation

While I hope you will encourage me to keep going by sponsoring me for every day I am able to find the cognitive and physical capability to complete as much golf practicing, organ practicing, juggling practicing, acting training, book writing, and leading by example by exercising and eating in accordance with my balanced daily lifestyle each and every day to improve my chances of ‘Beating the Beast of neurological dysfunction’ for as long as ever I can, any One off Cash contributions will be most gratefully received and distributed in exactly the same manner to the Disasters Emergency Committee as the sponsorship. Any one off donations can be made by BACS or cheque sent to the following account:

Payee: Beat the Beast Challenge

Sort Code: 83-24-18

Account Number: 15978839

Royal Bank of Scotland
Edinburgh Leith Branch
2 Bernard Street

Thank you for having enough faith in me to sponsor me,

Yours aye


Sponsorship From Outside The UK

To Sponsor Me from an account outside of the UK the following details will be needed by your bank:

Payee: Beat The Beast Challenge

Sort Code: 83-24-18

Account Number: 15978839

BIC/Swift Code: RBOSGB2L

IBAN: GB38RBOS83241815978839.

Thank you for having enough faith in me to sponsor me,

Yours aye



If you wish to contact Royal Bank of Scotland you can do so on 0800 148 8331.


All funds raised will be deposited in and held by The Royal Bank of Scotland.

A monthly update of monies raised to date will be published on the challenge website. Distribution to the Disasters Emergency Committee will be made on by Webb and Wallace Accountants and the details published on the challenge website.

All financial reporting will also be managed by Webb and Wallace Accountants and published annually on the challenge website.

Above all I promise that every penny you donate goes to the Disasters Emergency Committee.

I do not take even a penny.