Great News!
While I have no smiles with which to bring you light today, I do have great news to bring you light:
Firstly, the results of my MRI scan were wonderful. There remains no sight of my brain tumour returning as predicted. Clearly my efforts to prevent it from returning with my Balanced Daily Lifestyle are proving successful.
Secondly the Granuloma in my right inner ear that is threatening to erode the bone plate that is separating my brain from my inner ear, is stable. This is great news as it does mean, that while I will still require surgery. During these uncertain times, I can afford to wait until it would be safer to attempt surgery. I remain under review with another scan in six months.
Thank you all so very much for your prayers.
Thirdly I can today confirm two additional sponsors who have started to sponsor me. That brings my total number of sponsors up to 55. Even though I remain at 0.0008% of the way towards my target of securing 640,000 sponsors, I continue to claw my way up.
To celebrate I attempted another session of Aerobics this morning and can report, that with the exception of tripping over my own foot and nearly falling over, I saw a defined improvement in my cognitive and motor coordination. Marvellous.
Please help me to spread a little light by sending me a photo of your smile with your name and town, that I can publish, with the other 171 smiles so far collected, on the smileometer on my website, and via the Challenge social media channels of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Emailing it to me would be best on or message it to me on Messenger or Instagram.
Furthermore, I continue to look for sponsorship. There are 64 million active current accounts in the UK. If I can attract just 1% of these account holders to sponsor me with just £1 per month I can raise £640,000 per month to help save and rebuild lives through the Disasters Emergency Committee. At the moment, with just 55 sponsors, I have only managed to reach 0.00008% of my target. So if you do not yet sponsor me, please give me 10 minutes of your time to fill out a standing order to challenge me to keep fighting.

Every penny raised goes to the Disasters Emergency Committee to bring light to those whose entire lives have been destroyed by the double whammy of COVID-19 and disaster.
Every penny raised encourages me to keep fighting to prevent my brain tumour from returning as predicted, and to retrain and strengthen my brain, using the mediums of Golf, Music, Navigating over the Hills, Drama, Dance, Juggling, Litter Picking and Writing, with becoming neurologically and cognitively strong enough, to one day, be able to sustain myself in some form of future employment being may main effort.
Thank you
Keep safe.
Keep being brilliant
Keeeeeeep smiling
Yours aye,