Jamie Olivers Crab And Fennel Pasta
Jamie Olivers Crab And Fennel Pasta

An ancient Greek philosopher once said that, “We are what we repeatedly do”. I couldn’t agree more in that my hope is that by repeatedly conducting activity such as:

  1. Following my balanced daily lifestyle every single day in order to try to prevent my brain tumour from returning as predicted.
  2. Using the mediums of Dance, Drama, Music, Golf, Juggling, Navigating over the hills, litter picking, doing the supermarket food shop, and writing as vehicles on which to retrain and strengthen my brain

That I will one day become neurologically and cognitively fit enough to be able to sustain myself in some form of employment.

That it is only by doing all of these things as often as possible that I will ever succeed. It will take an awfully long time, but my hope and prayer is that I will one day succeed.

Along the way I seek to give myself purpose by attempting to save the lives of the world’s poorest, who are starving as I write in countries struck with the triple whammy of COVID, warfare and climate change related natural disaster. There are many days in which I fail to secure a sponsor or even a smile and start to feel a little low and pointless. But there are wonderful days in which I feel greatly encouraged.

Days in which I capture the smile of a policeman, days in which I secure another sponsor, days in which my brother bangs the drum and manages to secure me another sponsor, days in which two separate businesses from which I was purchasing their services, had a look at my website from the link in my signature block and told me how inspired they were.

I aspire to be a lifesaver through the Disasters Emergency Committee but I can only achieve my aim by repeatedly securing sponsors.
Since my last post I have kept fighting:

I have walked 31.61 miles ascending 2028.26 feet, cycled38.34 miles ascending 1455.7 feet, Conducted an upper body circuit, conducted two supermarket food shops and raised £87, including a tenner I found while litter picking, for the DEC, and captured another smile.

I have even cycled a 29 mile round trip to go and cut the grass of a friend weakeed but recovering slowly from her successful battle with cancer.
But the most impressive feature is that I have gone 8 days without a SMART attack.

However I am constantly held back from what I would like to achieve by my neurological sensitivity. I get far too tired too quickly, and as I get tired so my power of speech and word finding and balance go along with energy levels. I become like a Duracell bunny that runs out of power. I become nothing but a husband who needs care from his wife. I can walk all day but trying to hold a conversation, trying to find items on busy supermarket shelves, trying to concentrate on anything, be it reading a book, filling in a form, writing text messages or writing posts such as this, drain me of energy and leave me a useless, gormless shell of the person I once was. So I struggle to achieve all I strive to achieve and need your help.

Smile No.247 - Colin From Police Scotland
Smile No.247 – Colin From Police Scotland

The challenge to myself that I strive to achieve is that there are 64,000,000 active current accounts in the UK. If I can convince just 1% of those account holders to challenge me to keep fighting to beat my beast with just £1 per month I could raise over £640,000 a month with which to help save and rebuild the lives of those most in need through the Disasters Emergency Committee. With 67 sponsors so far obtained I am 0.01% of the way towards my target. It is easy to doubt that I will ever get there, but I refuse to, so please sponsor me, I guarantee, that with the generosity of:

  • The Royal Bank of Scotland.
  • Webb and Wallace Accountants in Doune.
  • MHCreations in Glasgow.
  • Key Facilities Management in Doune.

That every single penny raised goes to save and rebuild lives through the Disasters Emergency Committee. Not a single penny is lost to costs.

Further I guarantee that as a standing order is a private arrangement between your bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland, I do not receive your details so can guarantee that I will never call, email or contact you in any way to ask you to increase your sponsorship!

My brother’s success in securing me a sponsor by banging the drum and the promise of the wonderful policeman Colin, whose smile I captured while he was out on patrol of the old railway lines through Edinburgh, to try and raise a few sponsors for me through his station, have given me an idea.

If you are a member of a group of people be it through work or leisure and would like to help do please see if you cannot encourage your friends and work colleagues to sponsor me with just ten minutes of their time to complete a standing order for just £1 per month. With the average person in the UK, according to the anthropologist Dunbar’s theory of number, having a close work and social circle of 150 people. If all 835 people who like this page encouraged sponsorship from their friends, family and work colleagues, I would be 15% of the way towards my target and could be raising £125,500 per month with which to save lives through the DEC.

I know that I bang on about sponsorship but I wish to save lives with what little capability I have and as Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do!

Please do all that you can to help. I promise that I will never let you down.


Thank you, Keep safe, keep being brilliant. Keeeeeeeeeeeep smiling

Yours aye with love and gratitude,

Archie xx