There is no doubt that the need to be raising millions of pounds with which to save the millions of people who are currently fighting for survival and the millions more who will be fighting for survival as Climate Change and all the knock on effects of Climate Change start to bite even harder. It is my hope that by seeking to inspire and encourage people to challenge me, to keep fighting to prevent my brain tumour from returning, as predicted, by following my balanced daily lifestyle of diet and exercise, and to become useful again through brain training with golf and music. To challenge me, either through their sponsorship as an individual, or through the setting up of simple and fun life-saving events designed to raise £80 to pay for all the emergency shelter, bedding and clothing, food, clean water, hygiene and medical packs needed to save a life through my challenge, as often as possible, ideally once a month, that I can start to save many, many lives with every single penny raise going to save lives through the Disasters Emergency Committee.
That as the numbers of lives being saved starts to rise, I can attract the help and support in the attending of life-saving events of the stars of the sporting, musical, theatrical, television and film worlds, and with them the media attention that such attendance attracts, that I can hit my target of £9,000,000 a month saving 112,500 lives a month. This target figure is derived from simple maths and a little research:
If every one of the 1,888 golf clubs in the UK created a life-saving event once a month, they could collectively raise £151,040 potentially saving 1,888 lives a month
If every one of the 7,000 performing arts venues in the UK created a life-saving event once a month, they could collectively raise £560,000 potentially saving 7,000 lives a month.
If every one of the 1,229 hospitals in the UK created a life-saving event once a month, they could collectively raise £98,320 potentially saving an additional 1,229 a month on top of the thousands they save each and every day.
If every one of the 32,163 schools in the UK created a life-saving event once a month, they could collectively raise £2,573,040 potentially saving 32,163 lives a month.
If every one of the 9,584 sports clubs in the UK created a life-saving event once a month, they could collectively raise £766,720 potentially saving 9,584 lives a month.
If everyone of the 17,100 retirement and care homes in the UK created a life-saving event once a month, they could collectively raise £1,368,000 potentially saving 17,100 lives a month.
If every one of the 43,600 medium to large businesses in the UK created a life-saving event once a month, they could collectively raise £3,488,000 potentially saving 43,600 lives a month.
Therefore, if I could, through my own hard works inspire and encourage each and everyone of the organisations listed above to save a life a month, If the nations media could see this as the exciting life-saving good news story that it is and get behind it. If I get this right The Challenge could raise at least £9,005,120 every single month so potentially saving at least 112,564 lives every month through the most excellent work of the Disasters Emergency Committee for as long as I can keep my brain tumour at bay and keep playing golf and the pipe organ and walking.
But there is no reason why I cannot exceed that figure. A High School of a thousand pupils could easily save more than one life a month. As could the medium to large businesses, performing arts venues, larger sports clubs and golf clubs et al so the amounts raised to save lives could shoot up exponentially once a momentum is established.
Then of course you have all the youth clubs in the uk, ships of the Royal Navy, companies of Infantry, squadrons of Cavalry and Royal Logistics Corps, batteries of the Royal Artillery, squadrons of the Royal Air Force, branches of the Royal British Legion, sub-units of the Salvation Army and Freemasons as well as all the Scout troops and Guide troops and Rotary groups and cycling groups and walking groups and social groups and churches and places of worship and villages, towns and cities of the world. The list of possible life-saving event locations and fundraising methods is endless and could be enormously fun and rewarding for all concerned.
Then of course you have all the individual sponsors who could challenge me, through their sponsorship, to keep fighting to prevent my brain tumour from returning as predicted through my balanced daily lifestyle of diet and exercise and to keep fighting to become useful again through learning to play golf and the pipe organ. Suggested donation amounts are below and as people start to challenge me, through their sponsorship, the numbers of lives saved could again go up exponentially.
Monthly donation amount | Months to save a life | Years to save a life |
£1 | 80 months to save a life | 6 years 7 months to save a life |
£2 | 40 months to save a life | 3 years 3 months to save a life |
£5 | 16 months to save a life | 1 year 4 months to save a life |
£10 | 8 months to save a life | 1.5 lives saved per year |
£20 | 4 months to save a life | 3 lives saved per year |
£30 | 2 months 18 days to save a life | 4.6 lives saved each year |
£40 | 2 months to save a life | 6 lives saved each year |
£50 | 1 month 18 days to save a life | 7.5 lives saved a year |
£60 | 1 month 9 days to save a life | 9.2 lives saved a year |
£70 | 1 month 3 days to save a life | 10.9 lives saved a year |
£80 | 1 month to save a life | 12 lives saved each |
And why stop at the UK boundary? My Challenge has so far received a small number of donations from Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Holland and Belgium. If I get this right, I see no reason why I could not be inspiring and encouraging the creation of life-saving events around the world.
I am hoping to get local newspapers and regional news programmes to take a reporter and cameraman to each of the life-saving social events as they develop in their many guises around the counties, spreading the concept, ink spot by ink spot, around the UK, then into Europe and beyond. Clearly this will involve a lot of hard work, a lot of travelling and tons and tons of good will from thousands of people to make this happen but, if I can get things moving and secure column inches in the weekend supplements of national newspapers and magazines, and magazine programmes on radio and television, along with support in attendance at life-saving events, from the stars of the sporting, musical, theatrical, television and film worlds, I see no reason why the Challenge cannot be potentially saving many thousands of lives each and every month through the Disaters Emergency Committee
So please, either challenge me through your sponsorship, or form a life-saving event designed to raise the £80 needed to save a life as often as possible, ideally once a month. Keep each event simple and fun and deeply enriching. Every life-saving event should not only be designed to raise enough to save a life, but a well designed life-saving event should be to the mutual benefit of the organisation organising it, and to the attendees. Please help me to become useful once more.
In order to understand this unusual request I feel it is essential that you understand my story. Here, I summarise the main events over my extraordinary fifty years that have made me the brain damaged man I am today.