There are 65 million active current accounts in the UK. If I can convince just 1% of those account holders to sponsor me for just £1 per month, I can raise a magnificent £650,000 a month for the Disasters Emergency Committee to use to save lives in an emergency response to disaster, and then to improve life chances in the community rebuilding post the disaster. Listed below are the wonderful people who have challenged me to beat my beast of Neurological Dysfunction, to prevent my brain tumour from ever returning, and if it does to beat it back again, and in so doing have become life savers themselves through the Disasters Emergency Committee. Please sponsor me for just £1 per month and join the roll of honour.

Roll of Honour

  1. Brown Karen
  2. Chrara EA & M
  3. Cook Shirley
  4. Cunningham Isobel
  5. Douglas Alexandra
  6. Douglas Euan
  7. Douglas Heather
  8. Duncacnson Sarah
  9. Ellis Glenda
  10. GammellSally
  11. Gaskell Philip
  12. Gilhooley Bev
  13. Gillies AC
  14. Hamilton Anne
  15. Harrison DJ and Alice
  16. Kennedy Polly & Will
  17. Letham Tess
  18. Lyons Linda
  19. Main Carol
  20. Manders I
  21. Marcus Christopher
  22. McLellan C
  23. McLeish Charlotte and Mike
  24. Milne Jeremy
  25. Owen Hugh
  26. Pelusey Chloe
  27. Rafferty S
  28. Richardson Ross
  29. Robertson Miren
  30. Rodrigues Abha
  31. Said Aly
  32. Smith Hilary
  33. Stathopoulou
  34. Stuart Janet
  35. Thomson KM & DS
  36. Tucker AD
  37. Wakefield Paul
  38. Walker Isabel
  39. Webb K
  40. Whitbread Katie

Thank you
Yours aye
